Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Yes, I do eat!

Yes I do eat! Since I started Boot Camp my meals have been very healthy and low carbs. When I do have have carbs its in the morning and afternoon only. I'm avoiding carbs at night, since I noticed it makes me feel bloated and overly full. Normally when I use to have carbs at night my stomach felt like it could burst at any moment. Now, I just eat some kind of protein and load up on all the veggies I want. I took some pictures of what I've been eating. I will also include what my daily meal plan looks like. 

Plain Oatmeal, dried cranberries or raisins and fruit.
Eggs, mushrooms, onions, spinach and feta cheese with toasted whole wheat english muffin
Cereal, banana with 1% milk. I normally mix the either of the shredded wheat with the Honey Nut O's.

Yogurt Cup or Vanilla Yogurt and add some fruit, Fat Free Cottage Cheese with some fruit or veggies, slice of toast with almond butter or peanut butter with or without a banana

Salad with protein
Left over dinner
Turkey sandwich on a whole wheat bread, light mayo, mustard, lettuce, tomato and cheese. 
Tuna sandwich on a whole wheat bread, with lettuce and tomato. For the tuna mixture I only add 1 tablespoon of Mayo, mustard, lemon juice, celery and pepper. Normally tuna mixture is very white, mine is yellowish. I'm very generous with the mustard.

Yogurt Cup or Vanilla Yogurt and add some fruit, Fat Free Cottage Cheese with some fruit or veggies, slice of toast with almond butter or peanut butter with or without a banana

Grilled Chicken, steak or Fish with either steamed or sauteed veggies and a salad. 
A hearty salad. Lettuce, spinach, bell peppers, cucumbers, beets, cherry tomato, shredded carrots & broccoli, oranges, almonds, feta cheese with balsamic vinaigrette.

Water, water and water! I also drink Decaf Green Tea, Ginger Tea and Chamomile Tea. At breakfast time I do drink my cup of coffee with this great Vanilla Creamer from Trader Joe's. I sometimes drink Sparkling Lime water.   

Eggs, onions, spinach, mushrooms ,
fat free feta cheese & toasted whole wheat english muffin.
Cottage cheese with pinepapple,  Fuji apples and clementines
Romaine lettuce, spinach, shredded carrots & broccoli, almonds,
oranges, bell peppers, cucumbers & feta cheese
with balsamic vinaigrette.
Baked sweet potato fries, grilled salmon burger, with a salad & balsamic vinaigrette.
I know that sweet potato is a carb, but it's also loaded with fiber and good carb.
Notice though I only hand a handful on my plate and NO KETCHUP ; )

I realize that my weight gain was caused by 3 major reasons. Not my lack of healthy eating. Before Boot Camp, all my meals would include Protein, Veggies or Salad and Carbs. The problem was that I would eat more carbs then veggies. Anyhow, back to my 3 reasons as to why I gained weight. Reason #1 - I didn't exercise at all! Reason #2 - I'm a sweet-aholic! I would eat candy and ice cream any time of the day. Reason #3 - I'm a carb lover! I would eat pasta, rice and bread. Now that I have those 3 reasons under control, I should be able to maintain and continue my weight loss. My goal is to weigh about 110 lbs. I know it may sound like a lot to you guys, but for my height that is an ideal weight. I'm only 5 feet tall, so I shouldn't weigh more than 110 lbs. Back in the good old days before kids, before marriage I was about 100-105 lbs. Ugh! The good old days when a size 0 was sometimes to big...b
ack to reality now. 

Will I reach that weight ever again? Who knows? I do know, that this time I'm going to do this right. By eating healthier and exercising. So far I have my need for sweets has been under control. The last time I had sweets was on Sunday, the ice cream. Maybe this weekend for being good I will reward myself a magnum ice cream bar, yum. 

The only downfall of this healthy eating is it's a lot of work. I feel like I do more chopping, dicing, washing and grilling then before. I need to organize myself and pre-cut, pre-wash and grill in quantities ahead of time. After working out, I'm starving and don't feel like cooking just eating. I guess that's how we learn by trial and error. Hopefully this post gave you guys idea on what you can do to change your healthy eating habits. 


Do you guys have any fun and healthy snack suggestions? Or another dinner suggestions besides grilled meats? Feel free to post your thoughts, comments or suggestions. I would love to hear your ideas. Thanks for reading my ramblings. 



  1. Thank you for posting your food. I will definatly take this model and apply it to my own healthy meals plans.

  2. Can you come to my house and cook too? All that chopping and prepping sounds exhausting but I'm sure the results are well worth it. I'm working on my sweet and carb intake. I know I have too much of both. How about broiling meats or searing in a pan and then baking to cook through to your desired doneness? I know for anything that calls for ground meat I always use ground turkey, it's the leanest and still very tasty.
