Sunday, July 15, 2012

Survived 1st week

Ever since I started Boot Camp, I had all the intentions to do daily blog updates. Hahahaha! The thing is, that every part of my body was sore and ached, down to my fingernails to the tips of my hair. Is that even possible?  Well regardless it's how I felt. So I will update you guys on how I survived first week.

Tuesday I had to do something physical on my own. Which I did. Despite the fact that I could barely squat down. So I went to walk around a track. I surprised myself and did 3 miles. Yup! 3 MILES! Despite my 35 year old aching weary body, I did. After that I went to the grocery store to pick up some tuna & wheat bread. Lucky me, the tuna cans where at the bottom of the shelf. You know what that means? I had to bend down and to get some tuna cans. Never has the simple task of bending down hurt so much. I'm not kidding it must have taken me a good 5 minutes to bend down and another 5 to get back up. My thighs felt like they were on fire. My legs were shaking and wobbling just to retrieve a damn couple of tuna cans. Sounds like a joke, but it's not. Make a long story short, I enjoyed every last bite of that tuna sandwich. Towards the end of the night I was dreading it since I knew I had to at least do some lunges, squats, leg lifts, push-ups and crunches. I was only able to complete about 10 of each. I told myself it was better than not doing it. So with that I took sore aching body to bed.

Wednesday I cooked  plain oatmeal and added dried cranberries, blueberries and cinnamon. My god that breakfast was so bland! I would have gone mental if it wasn't for the sweetness of the fruit. I still haven't kicked my BFF coffee to the curb. That will always be my indulgence and life line. I need my coffee! Plus I love adding this great healthy vanilla creamer I get from Trader Joe's. A little splash of that makes my coffee a party. I knew I had my Boot Camp class in the evening so I tried to chill out as much as I can. Which wasn't the case. I had to shuffle kids back & forth from different activities. I also had to house chores to deal with at the home front. So no rest for the wicked. My daughter was trying to sway me from not going to class. I told her that we were going to go, regardless. Surprisingly I made it past the 10 minute mark of class. I looked at the clock it was 7:30 PM and I wasn't in a fainting spell. I was so thrilled and happy about that. At that moment I had a moment of clarity and realized I could do this. I could deal with the pain just for a bit. I had a great class! I went home had my delicious chicken salad and I was satisfied. I decided to end my night with a cup of Decaf Green Tea. I took my aching body and green tea in tow to veg out with the hubby and watch TV. I get settled in the couch and at that moment I catch a whiff of familiar smell. My brain is working overtime to figure out the smell. OMG! It's CHOCOLATE! Hubby is eating his Sweet & Savory Trail mix! At that point, I instinctively ask him for a kiss. Yup, you heard right, a kiss. More like I jump him for a kiss. Which he did. At that moment I could taste the chocolate in my lips too. Oh dear god that taste was pure blissful heaven. I told him, that this is the closest I can come to tasting chocolate/sweets without having to eat it. I shamelessly look in his trail mix bowl for a piece of chocolate morsel and ask him to suck it and then kiss me. Yes, I kid you not. I asked my Hubby to do that. He just laughed and did it. Like a chocolate fiend that I am, I did kissed him. I sucked on that chocolate covered tongue of his like an addict. At some point, while I was making out with my Hubby I realized this was bad. I have reached my lowest point in my life. I felt like such a junky. I pushed him away and told him I have issues. I grab my stupid green tea and downed it. I told him never again will I go that low. I felt so ashamed. It was like a splash of cold water to my sweets addiction. Never again! I went straight to brushing my teeth to stop me from eating/sucking anything in sight. (True event not a joke)

Thursday was a little easier on the body. I'm not going to lie, I was still sore. Though the soreness was more manageable. I went walking around the track. This time I also went crazy and jogged half the track and walked the other. All in all I did a total of 3 miles, again. Which I was very proud of. I did my push-ups, crunches, leg lifts and stretches. I was able to do more than Tuesday night. I did 20 push-ups, those still kill me. I was able to do about 50-60 leg lifts. I did a total of about 100 crunches, different styles. I was so proud of myself.

Friday was great! I really looked at myself in the mirror and realized I looked less bloated. I also felt lighter and with a bit more energy. I know that I haven't lost a drastic 5 lbs in a week. Though I could feel the changes of what healthy eating and exercise can do. I was super excited to go to Boot Camp. SAY WHAT? Yes, I said it! I was pumped to get sweaty and get physical at Boot Camp. I went and it was an intense work out. Since we had the place to ourselves our instructor Teddy (aka Matthew McConaughey look-a-like. Yes, my instructor is a shorter version of him. He's super cute! Welp!) kicked our butts. He really worked us out. At one point I could have sworn sweat was coming out of my ears. I was drenched in sweat and I was okay with that. See the thing is I hate to sweat. I've always hated it. Friday I embraced the sweat. Friday was definitely a good day.

Saturday I went walking/jogging for another 3 miles. I bumped into my parents and they both said I was looking slim. OMG! I could have cried tears of joy. That boost my ego like 10 notches. I took that comment and channeled it at track. While I was there this skinny minnie shows up and starts a full on jog non stop. I could have barfed, if I would try that. So I just ignored her and did my own thing. Next thing I know she strips her jacket off and shows off her rocking body. She starts jogging again in sports bra and leggings. My compliment and ego, go down the drain. I look at my phone and realize I need to go. Thankfully I call it a day. But before I walk away with my head hung low, I decide to do another lap. This time I decide to jog it with out stopping. I give myself the pep talk that I can do it. What do you know? I was able to do it! I was able to go 400 meters with out stopping. When I finished that lap, I have never felt so good in my life. I was like take that skinny Minnie! I can do it to, if I want to. LOL! I'm glad she was there, jogging at the same time. Her amazing body, gave me the motivation I needed to push myself. To show me I can do it, too. Unfortunately Saturday, I wasn't able to do my crunches and all that. I had a book club meeting. Normally, I drink 3-4 glasses of red wine at these meetings. This time around I only drank 1 1/2 glasses. I had a huge plate of salad and steak. I did indulge and I had 3 crackers with a light cheese spread. I know, I went crazy and partied hard. LOL! Normally I eat to just to eat. This time around I was aware of everything that I ate. I would make a mental note of how many crunches, squats or jogging I would have to do to offset the delicious food. Sounds crazy. Though it stopped me from over eating and throwing all my hard work out the window.

Bottom line is that I am accountable for the foods I eat now. I'm aware and conscious of the work it takes to maintain. Overall, I'm happy I joined Boot Camp and have taken a step in the right direction. I need to set my goals as to how much weight I want to loose. I know it sounds like the heavens flood gates opened and everything is peachy. Believe me, I know that's not the case. I know I will come across some evil or obstacle. I just now realize that I can do this. It's hard! Yet, I"ll muster up the courage and just try my best. That's what it's all about.

Molly  ; )

So having that said I need to get a move on and go to the track. This time I'm dragging the Hubby to go with me. I will try and post daily updates along with what I'm eating. What do you guys do to stay in shape? Do you have any healthy low carb breakfast food recipes? Any suggestions or comments would be great!


  1. Way to go Molly! One of these days I'll go walking with you. I'm glad you're doing the boot camp and finding the motivation to keep at it.

  2. Great job Molly. I cant wait what week 2 brings. Thank you for being a great motivational partner.
