Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Yes, I do eat!

Yes I do eat! Since I started Boot Camp my meals have been very healthy and low carbs. When I do have have carbs its in the morning and afternoon only. I'm avoiding carbs at night, since I noticed it makes me feel bloated and overly full. Normally when I use to have carbs at night my stomach felt like it could burst at any moment. Now, I just eat some kind of protein and load up on all the veggies I want. I took some pictures of what I've been eating. I will also include what my daily meal plan looks like. 

Plain Oatmeal, dried cranberries or raisins and fruit.
Eggs, mushrooms, onions, spinach and feta cheese with toasted whole wheat english muffin
Cereal, banana with 1% milk. I normally mix the either of the shredded wheat with the Honey Nut O's.

Yogurt Cup or Vanilla Yogurt and add some fruit, Fat Free Cottage Cheese with some fruit or veggies, slice of toast with almond butter or peanut butter with or without a banana

Salad with protein
Left over dinner
Turkey sandwich on a whole wheat bread, light mayo, mustard, lettuce, tomato and cheese. 
Tuna sandwich on a whole wheat bread, with lettuce and tomato. For the tuna mixture I only add 1 tablespoon of Mayo, mustard, lemon juice, celery and pepper. Normally tuna mixture is very white, mine is yellowish. I'm very generous with the mustard.

Yogurt Cup or Vanilla Yogurt and add some fruit, Fat Free Cottage Cheese with some fruit or veggies, slice of toast with almond butter or peanut butter with or without a banana

Grilled Chicken, steak or Fish with either steamed or sauteed veggies and a salad. 
A hearty salad. Lettuce, spinach, bell peppers, cucumbers, beets, cherry tomato, shredded carrots & broccoli, oranges, almonds, feta cheese with balsamic vinaigrette.

Water, water and water! I also drink Decaf Green Tea, Ginger Tea and Chamomile Tea. At breakfast time I do drink my cup of coffee with this great Vanilla Creamer from Trader Joe's. I sometimes drink Sparkling Lime water.   

Eggs, onions, spinach, mushrooms ,
fat free feta cheese & toasted whole wheat english muffin.
Cottage cheese with pinepapple,  Fuji apples and clementines
Romaine lettuce, spinach, shredded carrots & broccoli, almonds,
oranges, bell peppers, cucumbers & feta cheese
with balsamic vinaigrette.
Baked sweet potato fries, grilled salmon burger, with a salad & balsamic vinaigrette.
I know that sweet potato is a carb, but it's also loaded with fiber and good carb.
Notice though I only hand a handful on my plate and NO KETCHUP ; )

I realize that my weight gain was caused by 3 major reasons. Not my lack of healthy eating. Before Boot Camp, all my meals would include Protein, Veggies or Salad and Carbs. The problem was that I would eat more carbs then veggies. Anyhow, back to my 3 reasons as to why I gained weight. Reason #1 - I didn't exercise at all! Reason #2 - I'm a sweet-aholic! I would eat candy and ice cream any time of the day. Reason #3 - I'm a carb lover! I would eat pasta, rice and bread. Now that I have those 3 reasons under control, I should be able to maintain and continue my weight loss. My goal is to weigh about 110 lbs. I know it may sound like a lot to you guys, but for my height that is an ideal weight. I'm only 5 feet tall, so I shouldn't weigh more than 110 lbs. Back in the good old days before kids, before marriage I was about 100-105 lbs. Ugh! The good old days when a size 0 was sometimes to big...b
ack to reality now. 

Will I reach that weight ever again? Who knows? I do know, that this time I'm going to do this right. By eating healthier and exercising. So far I have my need for sweets has been under control. The last time I had sweets was on Sunday, the ice cream. Maybe this weekend for being good I will reward myself a magnum ice cream bar, yum. 

The only downfall of this healthy eating is it's a lot of work. I feel like I do more chopping, dicing, washing and grilling then before. I need to organize myself and pre-cut, pre-wash and grill in quantities ahead of time. After working out, I'm starving and don't feel like cooking just eating. I guess that's how we learn by trial and error. Hopefully this post gave you guys idea on what you can do to change your healthy eating habits. 


Do you guys have any fun and healthy snack suggestions? Or another dinner suggestions besides grilled meats? Feel free to post your thoughts, comments or suggestions. I would love to hear your ideas. Thanks for reading my ramblings. 


Monday, July 16, 2012


Sunday, Hubby wasn't feeling to good. He claims to have had a sore throat. Ahem! I call that an excuse not to get physical. Who knows? I realize he has to take that initiative to exercise. I can only offer him to do it with me. Regardless I took all 3 kids with me to the track. While I was walking/jogging with my oldest daughter, my son and his little sister were playing soccer. They were practicing soccer kicks and drills. My oldest complained the whole time we were walking/jogging. I tried to make conversation about movies, shows and her friends. I found out that Sunday was National Ice Cream Day. I made a deal with her that we would have ice cream 2 small scoops only if we did an extra mile to offset the ice cream. She agreed to the deal and that was her motivation. We did 4 miles of half jogging and walking. The last lap we did jog non-stop. Which felt great! Later on in the evening we got some ice cream. Keep in mind I haven't had sweets for a week. I had the ice cream and it was good. However, I found it to sweet. Which is weird since I have had that particular flavor several times and it never seemed that way. Huh! Go figure?! After eating my 2 small scoops, I was all over the place. I was dancing, singing and talking super fast. LOL! My oldest was the one to point, that I was experiencing a sugar rush. Who knew that at 35 you can experience that again. The best part is that hubby asked me if I wanted to get some Chipotle for dinner. I looked at him with a dumb founded look. It blew my mind that he would ask me that. Hello!? Don't you see me working my butt off to get a hold of my weight? I told him "Hell to the No!". I'm going to cook and make some roasted chicken, sauteed green beans and steamed rice. Mind you I'm avoiding the carbs at night. I substituted the steamed rice for a salad, on top of the green beans. In a nutshell that was my Sunday. 

Good Morning Monday! Guess what I did today? I decided to appeal my curiosity and see how much I weighed. I pulled out the old dusty cob webbed scale and hopped on. I weighed myself with no shoes and just my jammies. My weight this morning was ONE HUNDRED AND THRITY POUNDS! Yup 130 lbs. even! I couldn't believe my eyes. I was thrilled and over the moon about it. So I lost 6.8 lbs. in one week. After that glorious news I ate my oatmeal with a smile on my face. Normally, I like to veg out and watch TV or catch up on my DVR. Today my body was asking for some physical activity. So I went for a jog. Yes, you heard me a jog. I was able to jog for 2 miles. So I did a warm up walk of 400m, then the rest I jogged. Every now and then I walked to catch my breath. I only allowed myself to do that for about 30 seconds. I made sure to push myself from my walking comfort zone. After it was all done I was nothing but hot sweaty mess. I felt so great afterwards. Monday night came and that meant Boot Camp. Off to Boot Camp I went. I felt great after that 2 mile jog, that I was feeling cocky. I thought, okay I can take today's Boot Camp like a champ. I can do this! LOL! Well, was I wrong! The instructor kicked our butts tonight. We did all the same exercise except in different order. The work out seemed way more intense tonight. If I thought I was a hot sweaty mess earlier today, I was wrong. I was drenched! I felt sweat coming out of pores that I couldn't believe it was possible. Even though it kicked my butt, I was able to keep up with the class. That to me was a success.

Remember that baby steps to a new you, is a great start to changing your life. I dove in head first, that's just me though. I don't do well with baby steps I tend to back out of my goals. Whatever works for you, just go with it and try your hardest to stick with it. It's hard but the pay off will be well worth it, in the end. Just know that you are not alone with your struggle. I struggle everyday and all can do is try my best. So just keeping trying! With Sunday's and Monday's success under my belt, I'm calling it a night.


Feel free to comment or ask any questions about what kind of exercise I'm doing. Or if you have any questions regarding what I'm eating or cooking. How do you deal with your eating or exercise struggles? What are your exercise routines?

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Survived 1st week

Ever since I started Boot Camp, I had all the intentions to do daily blog updates. Hahahaha! The thing is, that every part of my body was sore and ached, down to my fingernails to the tips of my hair. Is that even possible?  Well regardless it's how I felt. So I will update you guys on how I survived first week.

Tuesday I had to do something physical on my own. Which I did. Despite the fact that I could barely squat down. So I went to walk around a track. I surprised myself and did 3 miles. Yup! 3 MILES! Despite my 35 year old aching weary body, I did. After that I went to the grocery store to pick up some tuna & wheat bread. Lucky me, the tuna cans where at the bottom of the shelf. You know what that means? I had to bend down and to get some tuna cans. Never has the simple task of bending down hurt so much. I'm not kidding it must have taken me a good 5 minutes to bend down and another 5 to get back up. My thighs felt like they were on fire. My legs were shaking and wobbling just to retrieve a damn couple of tuna cans. Sounds like a joke, but it's not. Make a long story short, I enjoyed every last bite of that tuna sandwich. Towards the end of the night I was dreading it since I knew I had to at least do some lunges, squats, leg lifts, push-ups and crunches. I was only able to complete about 10 of each. I told myself it was better than not doing it. So with that I took sore aching body to bed.

Wednesday I cooked  plain oatmeal and added dried cranberries, blueberries and cinnamon. My god that breakfast was so bland! I would have gone mental if it wasn't for the sweetness of the fruit. I still haven't kicked my BFF coffee to the curb. That will always be my indulgence and life line. I need my coffee! Plus I love adding this great healthy vanilla creamer I get from Trader Joe's. A little splash of that makes my coffee a party. I knew I had my Boot Camp class in the evening so I tried to chill out as much as I can. Which wasn't the case. I had to shuffle kids back & forth from different activities. I also had to house chores to deal with at the home front. So no rest for the wicked. My daughter was trying to sway me from not going to class. I told her that we were going to go, regardless. Surprisingly I made it past the 10 minute mark of class. I looked at the clock it was 7:30 PM and I wasn't in a fainting spell. I was so thrilled and happy about that. At that moment I had a moment of clarity and realized I could do this. I could deal with the pain just for a bit. I had a great class! I went home had my delicious chicken salad and I was satisfied. I decided to end my night with a cup of Decaf Green Tea. I took my aching body and green tea in tow to veg out with the hubby and watch TV. I get settled in the couch and at that moment I catch a whiff of familiar smell. My brain is working overtime to figure out the smell. OMG! It's CHOCOLATE! Hubby is eating his Sweet & Savory Trail mix! At that point, I instinctively ask him for a kiss. Yup, you heard right, a kiss. More like I jump him for a kiss. Which he did. At that moment I could taste the chocolate in my lips too. Oh dear god that taste was pure blissful heaven. I told him, that this is the closest I can come to tasting chocolate/sweets without having to eat it. I shamelessly look in his trail mix bowl for a piece of chocolate morsel and ask him to suck it and then kiss me. Yes, I kid you not. I asked my Hubby to do that. He just laughed and did it. Like a chocolate fiend that I am, I did kissed him. I sucked on that chocolate covered tongue of his like an addict. At some point, while I was making out with my Hubby I realized this was bad. I have reached my lowest point in my life. I felt like such a junky. I pushed him away and told him I have issues. I grab my stupid green tea and downed it. I told him never again will I go that low. I felt so ashamed. It was like a splash of cold water to my sweets addiction. Never again! I went straight to brushing my teeth to stop me from eating/sucking anything in sight. (True event not a joke)

Thursday was a little easier on the body. I'm not going to lie, I was still sore. Though the soreness was more manageable. I went walking around the track. This time I also went crazy and jogged half the track and walked the other. All in all I did a total of 3 miles, again. Which I was very proud of. I did my push-ups, crunches, leg lifts and stretches. I was able to do more than Tuesday night. I did 20 push-ups, those still kill me. I was able to do about 50-60 leg lifts. I did a total of about 100 crunches, different styles. I was so proud of myself.

Friday was great! I really looked at myself in the mirror and realized I looked less bloated. I also felt lighter and with a bit more energy. I know that I haven't lost a drastic 5 lbs in a week. Though I could feel the changes of what healthy eating and exercise can do. I was super excited to go to Boot Camp. SAY WHAT? Yes, I said it! I was pumped to get sweaty and get physical at Boot Camp. I went and it was an intense work out. Since we had the place to ourselves our instructor Teddy (aka Matthew McConaughey look-a-like. Yes, my instructor is a shorter version of him. He's super cute! Welp!) kicked our butts. He really worked us out. At one point I could have sworn sweat was coming out of my ears. I was drenched in sweat and I was okay with that. See the thing is I hate to sweat. I've always hated it. Friday I embraced the sweat. Friday was definitely a good day.

Saturday I went walking/jogging for another 3 miles. I bumped into my parents and they both said I was looking slim. OMG! I could have cried tears of joy. That boost my ego like 10 notches. I took that comment and channeled it at track. While I was there this skinny minnie shows up and starts a full on jog non stop. I could have barfed, if I would try that. So I just ignored her and did my own thing. Next thing I know she strips her jacket off and shows off her rocking body. She starts jogging again in sports bra and leggings. My compliment and ego, go down the drain. I look at my phone and realize I need to go. Thankfully I call it a day. But before I walk away with my head hung low, I decide to do another lap. This time I decide to jog it with out stopping. I give myself the pep talk that I can do it. What do you know? I was able to do it! I was able to go 400 meters with out stopping. When I finished that lap, I have never felt so good in my life. I was like take that skinny Minnie! I can do it to, if I want to. LOL! I'm glad she was there, jogging at the same time. Her amazing body, gave me the motivation I needed to push myself. To show me I can do it, too. Unfortunately Saturday, I wasn't able to do my crunches and all that. I had a book club meeting. Normally, I drink 3-4 glasses of red wine at these meetings. This time around I only drank 1 1/2 glasses. I had a huge plate of salad and steak. I did indulge and I had 3 crackers with a light cheese spread. I know, I went crazy and partied hard. LOL! Normally I eat to just to eat. This time around I was aware of everything that I ate. I would make a mental note of how many crunches, squats or jogging I would have to do to offset the delicious food. Sounds crazy. Though it stopped me from over eating and throwing all my hard work out the window.

Bottom line is that I am accountable for the foods I eat now. I'm aware and conscious of the work it takes to maintain. Overall, I'm happy I joined Boot Camp and have taken a step in the right direction. I need to set my goals as to how much weight I want to loose. I know it sounds like the heavens flood gates opened and everything is peachy. Believe me, I know that's not the case. I know I will come across some evil or obstacle. I just now realize that I can do this. It's hard! Yet, I"ll muster up the courage and just try my best. That's what it's all about.

Molly  ; )

So having that said I need to get a move on and go to the track. This time I'm dragging the Hubby to go with me. I will try and post daily updates along with what I'm eating. What do you guys do to stay in shape? Do you have any healthy low carb breakfast food recipes? Any suggestions or comments would be great!

Monday, July 9, 2012

An hour of TORTURE

My daughter and I decided to sign up for a 16 day Boot Camp challenge for the summer. We both been struggling to find some motivation to get in shape. So when I got the email for it, we agreed to do it. It seemed like a fun and great idea. It only cost $67 dollars for one person or two. I thought that was a steal! You get an 1hr for 3 days a week. Plus they email you a meal plan to guide you.

As the days got closer I started to dread the idea of going to Boot Camp. I was so tempted to back out. I tried to talk my daughter out of it, that was a no go with her. Since she is really excited about going and loosing some weight. Don't get me wrong, I would love to loose the weight. I just didn't want to work at it. If only you could loose the weight without having to do physical work. Sunday came before Boot Camp day and my thought was to eat everything and anything I wanted. Since I was going to commit to the meal plan and exercise. That didn't go as planned. I woke up late Sunday and made breakfast. Didn't eat  lunch since I wan't hungry. Instead we had fruit, which is fine. Took my son and youngest daughter to practice some soccer drills. Mind you, I don't play soccer. So my son need me to kick the ball to him since he wanted to practice being goalie. Turns out I have some good soccer kicking moves. Who knew? We spent about an hour and half doing that. By the time I got home my thighs felt like they were on FIRE. Wow! I'm really out of shape. Dinner time came, I ended up having a yummy Blue Cheeseburger with Sweet Potato Fries and a lemonade. After that, I couldn't think about eating anything. Even though I was DYING! DYING to have some ice cream, I didn't. I was just to stuffed.

So Monday comes and I'm making all these excuses to myself as to why I can't go. I have a headache, which I kind of did. The headache was due to lack of sleep, since I decided to stay up and read till 4AM. So I popped 2 Excedrin for Migraines. Which seemed to work. Then my second excuse was that I needed tennis shoes. Which I actually did. Since my old pair are coming apart. Which means I have to get up and go buy my shoes asap. Then my third excuse is that I shouldn't spend the money on this and I should just do it on my own. Which I know that is a load of Bull Poop. My daughter pleas and begs for me not to chicken out and that's when I realize I will let her down. So I muster all the strength and courage I have and go to Boot Camp.

We get there and I'm nervous as hell. All these different scenarios are running through my head. The show Biggest Loser comes to mind. I picture my instructor being like Jillian and yelling at me. Then my thoughts go to, I'm going to cry and lose it. Fifteens minutes in and I will probably be in the fetal position crying my eyes out. Then I think, no that won't happen, I will just pass out from the actual exercise. My biggest fear was that I was going to be the only over weight person at Boot Camp. That everyone else was going to be a skinny Minnie. It turns out there was only one skinny Minnie, which was okay. The rest of the ladies were like me. They weren't extremely over weight, just trying to loose some weight and get toned. I felt so much better.

The instructor starts off with some stretches. In my mind, I was thinking okay, I can do this. Then we moved on to some squats, lunges and some other form of leg torture. OMG! I have never felt so much pain in my life! I swear I am not kidding, my legs felt like Jell-O at that point. The instructor had us do some simple jumping jacks and I could barely do them. I felt like a marionette puppet! Who was pulling the strings for my legs to kick? Ummm, no one! I could barely kick my legs. Not only that but I was sweating like a sinner in church. Who sweats that much? No to mention that I hate sweating! I was ready to give up. I turned to my daughter and told her lets go home. She looked at me and said "We can do this, mom. Just hanging in there." Was she crazy? I'm thinking yes! I could barely feel my legs. Honestly, after that I don't remember much. All I know is that I was sweating, in pain and felt faint. At one point I was having a mental conversation with myself. It went something like this. "Well Molly, we wouldn't be at Boot Camp.. if you would just exercise more often. Or if you would just cut the ice cream to just once a month. But no, you decided to indulge. So now here we are sweating like a pig and in pain. Next time better think twice before you serve yourself that bowl of of ice cream. Other wise we wouldn't be here." Yes! I actually had that conversation with myself. I think it was the pain talking to me. I was exercising next to this really nice lady and she saw my struggle. So she kept looking back and telling me to "Hang in there Molly" or "Almost done, you can do it." I swear if it wasn't for her I don't know if I would have been able to continue.

10 minutes left for the Boot Camp to be over and my freaking endorphins decide to kick in. Really? Are you serious? Late to the party, endorphins! I turned to my daughter and she was looking very pale. I was worried about her but she trooped along to the finish. 8pm hasn't looked so sweeter than today. Class was officially over, thank heavens. So as I'm gathering my stuff the instructor tells us that he needs to weigh us. I looked at him as if he just grew two heads. He wasn't kidding, he was serious. Not only that, in front of everyone. Mind you he didn't say our weights out loud. That wouldn't have gone well with me or some of the ladies. I told him that this weigh in felt like a Biggest Loser reenactment. He just looked at me and said "No, Biggest Losers here." That was so sweet. It turns out my weight wasn't that bad. So my start weight is 136.8 lbs. mind you I'm 5 feet even. So for me that weight is not good for my height. I know I'm not going to be model thin. I just want to be healthy, toned and little slim.

I go back on Wednesday and we'll see how that goes. Tomorrow, I'm suppose to do some kind of cardio on my own. Not sure what I will do. Maybe go jogging or do the stationary bike for 45 minutes. The important thing is that I survived. Barely, but survived. Any feed back would be much appreciated. I'm open to suggestions as to what I can do to lessen the pain of Boot Camp. 

Ciao, Molly

I will be brave and post my before Boot Camp picture. I will post the after on my last day of Torture Camp. : )