Saturday, April 21, 2012


So...I am watching The Real Housewives of Atlanta the Reunion episode. I'm watching this and all I can think about is, how FAKE Nene is. I want to throw my tv remote at her face. I guess you can say I have TV anger management issues. UGH! I use to like her in the 1st seasons now she is just a BIOTCH. She claims to be a certain way then she completely contradicts herself. That really irks me. It shouldn't since it's just a silly show. It what I like to call my guilty pleasure of a show. It's a Love/Hate relationship, I have with the show. It just gets under my skin. Just had to get that out of my chest. LOL! I think I need help.


  1. This is exactly why i stopped watching all real housewives. I would get stupid mad and be like wait.. them rich bitches have a show i dont. LOL. But now im sitting here watching jersylicious yelling my OMG's to the TV.. I need a drink.

  2. OMG! Nene irks me to no end, especially after watching how she behaved on Celebrity Apprentice. I'm having the same reaction with Teresa. RHONJ is off the hook this season! I end up shouting at the TV too. I just want to shake some sense into some of them.

  3. LMAO! It's like when I eat the whole pint of Haggen Daz Vanilla Swiss Almond Ice Cream, it feels so good and right. Then when I eat the last spoon all the guilt and anger rises within me. For shame! That's how I feel about the Real Housewive's shows. LOL!! GUILTY PLEASURE!
